
作者: 时间:2024-04-03 点击数:


彭世球,男,汉族,1968年8 月,广西钦州市。






1994.05–1998.07 中国气象科学研究院,助研


2004.08–2007.12 美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学, 博士副研究员(Postdoc. Research Associate)

2008.01–2009.09美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学, 研究助理教授(Research Assistant Professor)

2009.10 - 至今 中科院南海海洋研究所,研究员



主要学术成果有:发现南海及西太平洋台风(尤其是超强台风)具有向较暖陆面移动以及冷空气入侵会导致台风路径转向的现象和规律,并进一步利用数值试验揭示了这两种过程中下边界层(海表或陆面)与高空环流相互作用的热动力机制,为提高我国台风路径业务预报水平提供新的方法与预报因子; 揭示了季风、地形和珠江冲淡水对南海北部陆架环流的动力控制机理,并阐明了南海水平扩散系数受主流系环流影响所呈现的各向异性特征,为建立适合南海及印度洋区域的数值模式物理过程参数化方案提供科学依据;发展了普林斯顿海洋模式(Princeton Ocean Model,简称POM)的三维切线性模式(TLM)和共轭伴随模式(Adjoint Model),建立一套基于POM及其共轭伴随模式的海洋资料四维变分同化系统(4DVAR)并成功应用于近海风暴潮的模拟和预报;提出“选尺度资料同化方法” (Selective-scale Data Assimilation),并成功应用到区域气候模式的模拟和预报中;在数值模式及资料同化中对具有重要天气意义的中尺度重力波信号进行分离并强化;建成南海区域实时“海气浪数值预报试验平台”,成功地对南海海洋环境进行精细化的预测预报。

以第一作者或通信作者在Scientific Reports、 J. Physical Oceanography、J. Geophysical Research、Ocean Modeling、 Monthly Weather Review等国际知名刊物发表SCI论文30余篇,先后主持国家自然科学基金、中国科学院创新重要方向性项目、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项子课题等国家级级项目,并获中科院王宽诚教育基金、教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金国家留学归国基金等资助。曾获2013年度中国海洋工程科学技术二等奖。目前任"海洋预报” 、“应用海洋学报”编委,美国地理学会(AGU)会员,J. Physical Oceanography、 Monthly Weather Review、J.Geophysical Research等国际著名期刊审稿人。


1. Shiqiu Peng*,Yu-kun Qian, Rick Lumpkin, Yan Du, Dongxiao Wang and Ping Li,2015:Characteristics of the Near-Surface Currents in the Indian Ocean as Deduced from Satellite-Tracked Surface Drifters. Part I: Pseudo-Eulerian Statistics. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45(2):441-458.

2. Shiqiu Peng*,Yu-kun Qian, Rick Lumpkin, Ping Li, Dongxiao Wang and Yan Du,2015:Characteristics of the Near-Surface Currents in the Indian Ocean as Deduced from Satellite-Tracked Surface Drifters. Part II: Lagrangian Statistics. Journal of Physical Oceanography,45(2):459-477.

3. Shiqiu Peng*, Yineng Li, Xiangquan Gu, Shumin Chen, Dongxiao Wang, Hui Wang, Shuwen Zhang, Weihua Lv, Chunzai Wang, Bei Liu, Duanling Liu, Zhijuan Lai, Wenfeng Lai, Shengan WANG, Yerong Feng, Junfeng Zhang, 2015: A real-time regional forecasting system in the South China Sea and its performance in the track forecasts of tropical cyclones during 2011-2013. Weather and Forecast (in press)

4. Xuezhi Zeng , Shiqiu Peng*, Zhijin Li , Yiquan Qi , Rongyu Chen,2014, A reanalysis dataset of the South China Sea. Scientific Data:40052, DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2014.52.

5. Shiqiu Peng*, Xiangde Xu, Yu-Kun Qian, Zhijuan Lai, Sai Hao,Shumin Chen, Hongxiong Xu, Dongxiao Wang, Johnny C. L. Chan, Hao Zhou, & Duanling Liu,2014: On the mechanisms of the recurvature of super typhoon Megi. Scientific Reports. DOI :10.1038/srep04451.

6. Yu-Kun Qian and Shiqiu Peng*, Chang-Xia Liang and Rick Lumpkin, 2014, On the Estimation of Lagrangian Diffusivity, 2014: Influence of Nonstationary Mean Flow. Journal of Physical Oceanography , 44(10):2796-2811.

7. Yineng Li, Shiqiu Peng*, Jia Wang, and Jing Yan, 2014, Impacts of non-breaking wave-stirring-induced mixing on the upper ocean thermal structure and typhoon intensity in the South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119(8):5052-5070.

8. Lei Liu, Shiqiu Peng*, Jinbo Wang and Rui Xin Huang, 2014: Retrieving density and velocity fields of the Ocean's Interior from Surface Data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119(12):8512-8529.

9. Yineng Li, Shiqiu Peng* and Duanling Liu, 2014: Adaptive Observation in the South China Sea using CNOP approach based on a 3-D ocean circulation model and its adjoint model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119(12): 8973-8986.

10. Xuezhi Zeng, Igor M. Belkin, Shiqiu Peng*, and Yineng Li, 2014: East Hainan upwelling fronts detected by remote sensing and modelled in summer. International Journal of Remote Sensing. DOI :10.1080/01431161.2014.916443

11. Zhijuan Lai, Sai Hao, Shiqiu Peng*, Bei Liu, Xiangqian Gu and Yu-Kun Qian, 2014: On improving Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasts Using a Scale-Selective Data Assimilation Approach: A Case study. Natural Hazards. DOI :10.1007/s11069-014-1155-y

12. Yineng Li, Shiqiu Peng*, Jing Yan, Lian Xie, 2013, On improving storm surge forecasting using an adjoint optimal technique. Ocean Modelling. 72, 185-197.

13. Peng S.*, Y. Li, & L. Xie, 2013, Adjusting the wind stress drag coefficient in storm surge forecasting using an adjoint technique, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 30,590-608.

14. Qian Y., Shiiqu Peng*, and Y. Li, 2013, Eulerian and Lagrangian statistics in the South China Sea as deduced from surface drifters. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 43(4), 726-743.

15. Xu Xiangde, Shiqiu Peng*, Yang Xiangjing, Xu Hongxiong, Daniel Q Tong, Wang Dongxiao, Guo Yudi, Johnny C L Chan, Chen Lianshou, Yu Wei, Li Yineng, Lai Zhijuan, Zhang Shengjun, 2013. Does warmer China land attract more super typhoons? Scientific Reports 3 : 1522 | DOI: 10.1038/srep01522

16. Lichuan Wu, Yuanqiao Wen, Shiqiu Peng*, Jinfeng Zhang and Changshi Xiao, 2013, Optimizing the routing of ship's tropical cyclone avoidance based on the numerical forecasts. Natural Hazards.VOLUME 67.| DOI: 10.1007/s11069-013-0729-4.

17. Li, Y.N., S.Q. Peng*, Yang, W., Wang, D.X., 2012, Numerical simulation of the structure and variation of upwelling off the east coast of Hainan Island using QuikSCAT winds. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 30, 1068-1081.

18. Li Yineng, S. Q. Peng*, Zeng Xuezhi, 2012. Observations and Simulations of the Circulation and Mixing around the Andaman-Nicobar Submarine Ridge. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 5(4):319-323.

19. Peng S.*, Liu D., Sun Z., and Li Y., 2012, Recent advances in regional air-sea coupled models. Sci China Earth Sci, 55, 1391–1405, doi:10.1007/ s11430-012- 4386-3

20. Yang, L., Wang, D.X.*, Peng, S.Q., 2012, Comparison between MM5 simulations and satellite measurements during Typhoon Chanchu (2006) in the South China Sea. Acta Oceanol Sin 31, 33-44.

21. Zeng Xuezhi, Li Yineng, Shiqiu Peng*, 2012. Analysis of Equatorial Currents Observed by Eastern Indian Ocean Cruises in 2010 and 2011. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 5(4):280-283.

22. Yeqiang Shu, Dongxiao Wang, Jiang Zhu,Shiqiu Peng*, The 4-D structure of upwelling and Pearl River plume in the northern South China Sea during summer 2008 revealed by a data assimilation model, Ocean Modelling, 36, pp. 228-241, 2011, DOI information: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2011.01.002.

23. Peng, S.*, and Zou X. (2010), Impact on quantitative precipitation forecasts of 4D-Var rainfall data assimilation with a modified digital filter in favor of mesoscale gravity waves: A case study, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D23111, doi:10.1029/2010JD013993.

24. Peng, S., Xie L.*, Liu B., and F. Semazzi, 2010, Application of Scale-Selective Data Assimilation to Regional Climate Modeling and Prediction, Monthly Weather Review, 138(4), 1307-1318.

25. Xie, L., Liu B.*, and S. Peng, 2010, Application of scale-selective data assimilation to tropical cyclone track simulation. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D17105, doi:10.1029/2009JD013471.

26. Peng, S., Xu X.*, Shi X., Wang X., Zhu Y., and Pu J, (2009), The early-warning effects of assimilation of the observations over the large-scale slope of the “world roof” on its downstream weather, Chin. Sci. Bull., 54(4), 706-710.

27. Peng, S.-Q., L. Xie* and Len J. Pietrafesa, 2007: Correcting the Errors in the Initial Conditions and Wind Stress in Storm Surge Simulation Using an Adjoint Optimal Technique. Ocean modeling, Vol. 18, Issues 3-4, 175-193.

28. Peng, S.-Q., and L. Xie*, 2006: Effect of Determining Initial Conditions by Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation on Storm Surge Forecasting. Ocean modelling, Vol. 14, Issues 1-2, 1-18.

29. Peng, S.- Q., and X. Zou*, 2004: Assimilation of Ground-Based GPS Zenith Total Delay and Rain Gauge Precipitation Observations Using 4D-Var and Their Impact on Short-Range QPF. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 82, 491-506.

30. Peng, S.- Q. , and X. Zou*, 2002: Assimilation of NCEP Multi-Sensor Hourly Rainfall Data Using 4D-Var Approach: A Case Stud of the Squall Line on 5 April 1999. J. Met. Atm. Phy., Vol. 81, No. 3-4, 237-255.

31. Peng, S.- Q. , and X. Zou*, 2001: Assimilation of Multi-Sensor Rainfall Observation for Improved Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts. 9th AMS Conference on Mesoscale Processes, July 30- August 2, 2001, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

32. Xu, Xiangde*, Li Zhou, and S.- Q. Peng, 1997: The Numerical Experiment on Itself-Feedback in Land-Atmosphere Process and Drought Forecasting Model over North China, The Progress of Study on Agricultural Drought in North China, Chinese Meteorological Press.

33. Xu, Xiangde*, S.- Q. Peng, and Q.- J. Miao, 1997: The Three-dimensional Structure of the Soil Moisture over North China, The Progress of Study on Agricultural Drought in North China, Chinese Meteorological Press.

34. Peng, S.- Q., and Jijia Zhang*, 1996: The Relationships between the Teleconnection Patterns of Northern Hemisphere and the Precipitation in China, A Collection of Research Thesis on Long-rang Forecast, Chinese Meteorological Press.

35. Zhang, Jijia*, and S.- Q. Peng, 1993: The Numerical Experiment on the Teleconnection Patterns of Northern Hemisphere, Journal Applied Meteorology.



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