Dan, Solomon Felix 助理研究员

作者: 时间:2021-03-24 点击数:


Dan, Solomon Felix;尼日利亚







Dan,Solomon Felix博士,北部湾大学海洋学院助理研究员。他主要从事海洋科学教学和科学研究。他的研究方向主要集中在河口和边缘海生物元素(C、N、P、Si)和微量金属的生物地球化学。现任Journal of Marine Systems、Environmental Pollution journal、Journal of Oceanology and Limnology审稿人,主持北部湾大学高层次人才引进研究启动项目。在过去的三年中,他以第一作者或合著者的身份在著名的科学期刊上发表了13篇以上的科学(SCI)论文。


校级科研项目;钦州湾沉积物有机磷生物地球化学特征研究; 2020KYQD01;10万元; 2021年1月-2023年12月


1) Xu C#,Dan S F#, Yang B*, Lu D, Kang Z, Huang H, Zhou J, Ning Z, 2021. Biogeochemistry of dissolved and particulate phosphorus speciation in the Maowei Sea, northern Beibu Gulf. Journal of Hydrology, 593, 125822. (SCI; IF: 4.500).

2) Lu D, Huang X, Yang B*,Dan S F, Kang Z, Zhou J, Lao Y, Zhong Q, Wu H, 2021. Composition and Distributions of Nitrogen and Phosphorus and Assessment of Eutrophication Status in the Maowei Sea. Journal of Ocean University of China, 20 (2), 361–371. (SCI: 0.802)

3)Dan S F#, Lan W#, Yang B*, Han L, Xu C, Lu D, Kang Z, Huang H, Ning Z, 2020. Bulk sedimentary phosphorus in relation to organic carbon, sediment textural properties and hydrodynamic in the northern Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 155, 111176. (SCI; IF: 4.049).

4)Dan S F, Liu S M*, Yang B, 2020. Geochemical fractionation, potential bioavailability and ecological risk of phosphorus in surface sediments of the Cross River estuary system and adjacent shelf, South East Nigeria (West Africa). Journal of Marine Systems, 201, 103244. (SCI; IF: 2.428)

5) Xu C, Yang B*,Dan S F, Zhang D, Liao R, Lu D, Li R, Ning Z, Peng S, 2020. Spatiotemporal variations of biogenic elements and sources of sedimentary organic matter in the largest oyster mariculture bay (Maowei Sea), Southwest China. Science of the Total Environment, 730, 139056. (SCI; IF: 6.551).

6)Dan S F, Liu S M*, Udoh E C, Ding S, 2019. Nutrient biogeochemistry in the Cross River estuary system and adjacent Gulf of Guinea, South East Nigeria (West Africa). Continental Shelf Research, 179, 1–17. (SCI: IF: 2.424).

7) Lu D, Kang Z, Yang B*,Dan S F, Zhang D, Zhang P, Huang H, Zhong Q. 2020. Compositions and spatio-temporal distributions of different nitrogen species and lability of dissolved organic nitrogen from the Dafengjiang River to the Sanniang Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 156, 111205. (SCI; IF: 4.049).

8) Ning Z, Fang C, Yu K*, Yang B*,Dan, S F, Xia R, Jiang Y, Li R, Wang Y. 2020. Influences of phosphorus concentration and porewater advection on phosphorus dynamics in carbonate sands around the Weizhou Island, northern South China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160, 111668. (SCI; IF: 4.049).

9) Wang Q, Li H*, Zhang Y, Wang X, Xiao K, Zhang X, Huang Y,Dan S F, 2020. Submarine groundwater discharge and its implication for nutrient budgets in the western Bohai Bay, China. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 212, 106132. (SCI; IF: 2.161).

10)Dan S F, Liu S M*, Yang B, Udoh E C, Umoh U, Ewa-Oboho I, 2019. Geochemical discrimination of bulk organic matter in surface sediments of the Cross River estuary system and adjacent shelf, South East Nigeria (West Africa). Science of the Total Environment, 678, 351–368. (SCI; IF: 6.551).

11) Yang B, Lan R Z, Lu D*,Dan S F, Kang, Z J, Jiang Q C, Lan W L, Zhong Q P, 2019. Phosphorus biogeochemical cycling in intertidal surface sediments from the Maowei Sea in the northern Beibu Gulf. In: Regional Studies in Marine Science: Regional Studies in Marine Science 28, 100624. (SCI; IF: 1.183).

12)Shuai D, Chen P, Liu S-M*, Zhang G, Zhang J,Dan S F,2019. Nutrient dynamics in the Changjiang and retention effect in the Three T Gorges Reservoir. Journal of Hydrology 574, 96–109. (SCI; IF: 4.500).

13) Yang B, Zhou J B, Lu D*,Dan S F, Zhang D, Lan W L, Kang Z J, Ning Z M, Cui D Y, 2019. Phosphorus chemical speciation and seasonal variations in surface sediments of the Maowei Sea, northern Beibu Gulf. Marine Pollution Bulletin 141, 61–69. (SCI; IF: 4.049).

14) Yang B, Kang Z J, Lu D*,Dan S F, Ning Z M, Lan W L, Zhong Q P, 2018. Spatial variations in the abundance and chemical speciation of phosphorus across the river–sea interface in the northern Beibu Gulf. Water 10, 1103.




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